Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Update and close to a wrap

Well, since Thomas recapped our last few days since the update... I will comment on my return trip and the last leg of our trip.

First off I left Hunstville, AL mid afternoon and traveled through the rain and thunderstorms all the way back to Auburn, AL. It wasn't that bad though, because I was used to it from the last few days of our trip. It was a pretty uneventful ride. I made it back to Auburn, AL around 10:00pm on Sunday night.

Right now I'm back at work and itching for the open road again. I will have to be satisfied by a short trip for now.

I plan on finishing out the coast 2 coast trip this weekend by going to Savannah, GA and then up into South Carolina and however far time and my rear tire will permit.

Thomas and I are together going to make anther trip to the east coast so that we can both feel that we have completed the trip as a team.

Overall this has been a great and much need escape for me and I'm sure that Thomas would agree. You never really know how good it can feel just to be out traveling with no other cares other than taking in all that this world has to offer.

Signing off for now...

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