Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update for Sunday

We are now in Tooele, UT (just south of Salt Lake City). Now for a little flash back...

Friday, May 23
- We decided to stay an extra day to go and see Dane Cook at Caesar's Palace.
- The show was phenomenally funny.

Saturday, May 24
- We got in from the show at about 3:00am PST.
- We had planned to leave at 6:00am PST... Well, that didn't quite happen :-P
- So, we wound up leaving around 10:00am PST bound for Tooele, UT
- We shot off toward Hoover Dam, NV and arrived around 11:00am PST
- Next we were off to Zion National Park, UT
- On our way to Zion we had the temperature drop from 80 to 59 and then to top it off... It started raining :-(
- Well, after about an hour of riding in freezing rain we out ran the storm and push on toward Zion
- We arrived in Zion at 4:00pm MST
- With the rain still following us and time becoming a premium we opted not to go to Bryce Canyon and instead push on for Tooele, UT
- After another two and half hours of riding we hit another temperature drop and guess what... More rain!!!! :-(
- This time the temperature had dropped to 42 and it was freakin raining...
- We arrived at Tooele, UT at 3:00am MST

Sunday, May 25
- We are staying here to rest and perform to much needed motorcycle maintenance.
- We will be leaving for Yellowstone National park tomorrow
- We were originally going to camp out in Yellowstone, but after talking with the park rangers there this morning. We have been talked out of camping... They have many road closings due to snow and ice as well as a freeze warning in effect for tomorrow night (overnight low 30 with rain and snow showers). That being said, we booked a primitive lodge (really cool, just has two beds, fireplace and log cabin type construction - Think little house on the prarrie ) outside of Old Faithful in the park.

Future plans:
- Tuesday, May 27, 2008
> Plan on making our way through Yellowstone and moving on toward Mt. Rushmore , SD and winding up somewhere outside of Sioux City, SD

- Wednesday, May 28, 2008
> Push on from Sioux City, SD to Chicago, IL

That's as far as we can plan right now... More when we know more. :-P

That's all for now...

Next update might have to wait until we get to Chicago.


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